The Open Source community is made up of millions of developers working on thousands of projects. Listed below you will find some of the projects in which MontaVista has been involved. Each project is a collaborative effort, driven by MontaVista developers and open source developers worldwide.

Open Source Real-Time Linux Project- enhances the community-established real-time foundation, which pushes the Linux kernel's performance and predictability

Dynamic Power Management (DPM) Project - explores technologies to improve power conservation capabilities of platforms based on open source software

The openais Project - to implement a production quality "Revised BSD" licensed implementation of the SA Forum's Application Interface Specification

Open IPMI Project - aims to develop an open code base to allow access to platform information using Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI)

Variable Scheduling Timeouts (VST) - extends the stand-by time of battery powered devices, such as mobile phones

Protected RAM File System (PRAMFS) - minimizes opportunities for errant writes that can corrupt file system data in system RAM

High Resolution POSIX Timers - provide timers with microsecond resolution and lower list overhead than standard timers

Preemptible Linux kernel - introduced as a patch to the 2.4 Linux kernel, adding a far greater degree of real-time responsiveness, was accepted into the 2.6 Linux kernel

Real-time Scheduler Project - the first fixed overhead real-time scheduler for Linux (design attributes of which were incorporated into the O(1) scheduler)

Legacy2Linux project - eases the task of moving legacy code to Linux

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